Facilitation Reflection #2: Care of Pets

I facilitated a group on "Caring for Pets". The group lasted about 45 minutes and consisted of introductions, a warm up, a discussion about the responsibilities and costs involved with a pet, the benefits of pets, and then we had an activity.

I think the most significant part of group for me was realizing how important it is to read your group. It was the end of the day on Friday, after a very long week in school.  The group was exhausted and stressed, so I tried to make it a fun and low-key session. I was going to have the group write down several different topics to discuss, but once I saw how everyone was tired, I decided we could just make the discussion open for people to share ideas if they wanted to.
I am very proud of the way my group went. I felt very comfortable facilitating, which I think was due to my being more comfortable with my group and the group process, as well as loving the topic I was leading the group on.

The introduction consisted of me introducing myself and the group topic.
The warm-up was a lot of fun. I had prepared the group by talking with them the day before to request they have a picture of a pet to share. When we began the warm-up, I introduced my dog, Lucy, and showed pictures of her to the group. Everyone in the group had a turn to introduce their pet(s) and show up to 5 pictures. It was very rewarding to see how happy everyone was to talk about their pets, and how important it is to use a warm-up activity that energizes and excites the members!
Next, we had a discussion about pets. I had all the members write down all that they thought was involved in caring for a pet and then we discussed. I had researched the average cost for raising a pet and shared that with the group. We then discussed the benefits of having a pet. I let the group say what they thought some of the benefits were, and then I shared some research studies I had found on the benefits.
Next was the activity. We made "homemade sweet potato dog treats". I had made bags for all members to take home (since the treats took 3 hours to bake) along with an instruction sheet.
I had everyone pair off and they shared a knife and cutting board. They also were each other's safety accountability partner due to the use of large knives. I provided baggies for them to place their raw cut up sweet potato in so they could take them home and bake them, if desired.

I am really proud of myself for how prepared I was for this facilitation. I'm normally scrambling to gather everything at the last minute, but I prepared early for this session and it really paid off. I had the appropriate materials, provided clear, printed and verbal instructions, and allowed for plenty of discussion time. I enjoyed getting to see everyone's personality reflect in how they talked about their animal. I think with this being a low key session, it didn't involve a lot of self-reflection from the group members so even the people that are normally quiet during discussion were willing to share. There wasn't an inappropriate behavior that needed to be addressed, and thankfully everyone remained safe during the activity.

We were running short on time so I led the wrap-up while everyone was still finishing up. I thought it was successful though because all group members participated, smiled, a learned a cost-efficient way to make treats for their dogs!


  1. I absolutely could not feel any more pleased with a group facilitation than I did with yours, and your Blog confirms to me what I already realized before the share...you did everything very well in this facilitation, but you did two things particularly well, in excess of even my (admittedly high) expectations- you followed the lead of the needs of your group members, AND, you planned and prepared so thoroughly that the group went flawlessly. And as if I wasn't already super impressed, then I read in your Blog that you also recognized what things supported your success, "...was realizing how important it is to read your group. It was the end of the day on Friday, after a very long week in school. The group was exhausted and stressed, so I tried to make it a fun and low-key session." Again evidenced in this line, "I am really proud of myself for how prepared I was for this facilitation." Caitlyn, you deserve to feel very proud of how this group went and how well it was facilitated. I, too, feel proud of you.


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