Ruby Bowen - Alzheimer's

Ruby Bowen was Caroline's grandmother. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease after showing symptoms and going through the required diagnostic testing. I thought it was very strong of Caroline to do a study on her own grandmother. My grandmother passed away from Early-Onset Alzheimer's when I was 9 years old, so I don't remember much of her life with it. Now that I'm in school and learning more about rehabilitation and many diseases, I have started asking my mom more questions about what led to the diagnosis. Caroline said her grandmother's first symptoms were having trouble carrying on a conversation because she would lose her train of thought. My grandmother would get very confused by the thermostat. My mom said she would show up at her house and the heat would be set on 90 degrees but my grandmother couldn't figure out why it was so hot. Alzheimer's disease is a horrible thing to watch a loved one go through. I hope and pray for a cure very soon!


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