Dum Spiro Spero
During class as we were discussing how someone's life changes when receiving a diagnosis, Professor Lancaster talked about the Latin phrase, "Dum Spiro Spero", which translates to "as I breathe I hope". I immediately thought about a good family friend that was diagnosed two years ago with brain cancer. She had two tumors (astrocytoma), one of which was operable. They opted out of surgery and immediately began chemotherapy and radiation. The family and our community had so much hope. There were immediately fundraisers, t-shirts, Facebook groups, everything - all promoting hope. It has been two years since her diagnosis, and she now has 5 brain tumors. While the prognosis is not promising, the hope for a miracle still hasn't faded. Her husband is so hopeful with every breathe he takes. It's interesting to see how much hope changes with each doctors visit, and how we hold on to every last chance of hope, no matter how small it is.
What a heartfelt post. As you know, I can relate well to your friend's situation, and I know she values support from you and others.