Post-Group Facilitation Reflection

Post-Group Facilitation Reflection

I signed up for the topic “Getting Motivated” with Eric Walker and Lauren O’Brian. We facilitated on Monday, February 12, 2018. Our session consisted of a warm-up, the group activity, sharing, processing, application, and debriefing. Our warm-up was led by Eric, and it acted as an icebreaker for the topic of “Getting Motivated”. We asked the group to think about a movie that motivates them, and why. Clients were encouraged to share if they wanted to. We then had the participants write down and share a problem they have, and then create a goal based off that problem. After everyone shared and we discussed, Lauren and I asked the group some questions. We asked, “What are some ways you can stay motivated when it comes to achieving your goal?”, and “How do you motivate yourself to meet your goals after trying and failing?” We allowed plenty of time for reflection and discussion between clients.

It was interesting to hear all the different types of movies and the similar themes.
For me, the most significant part was during the warm-up activity. I thought it was very interesting to hear the different movies that people are motivated by. Several people were motivated by sports movies, while others found motivation through documentaries. I found it neat to see individual’s personalities come out through that.

Having experienced the facilitation of this group, I now think I have a better idea of ways to get motivated, and stay motivated. If I fail, I can set short terms goals to get back on track.
In the future, I think this would be an interesting and beneficial group session to attend in real life.

Leadership Evaluation
During the introduction, we explained the purpose of the group session, followed by a warm-up activity. Expectations were clearly stated, as well as the structure of the group. All members were told they didn’t have to participate if they didn’t’ want to.
I felt like we were adequately prepared for the activity. We asked for and received lots of feedback and participation from the group during the activity. Directions were given before each section of the activity, and the materials and environment were appropriate for completing the session.
Each member was encouraged to share, but only if they wanted to. I believe we used appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication, while also empathizing the feelings of group members.
During the processing, we allowed opportunities for the members to share their feelings about the experience, and helped the group understand the process and application of the lesson.
We made sure to point out similarities and differences in the responses of the group – whether it was our opinion or someone else’s.
Since our topic was on motivation, I feel like we did a good job of inspiring confidence and encouraging the group members throughout the activity.
Each member was allowed sufficient time to answer if they wanted to. As leaders, we assumed authority by steering the conversation in the desired direction.
We discussed many ways that the session was significant and relevant in everyday life. We were honest in sharing and relating our experiences as leaders to the group members.

We summarized the important points of motivation and encouraged the group members to continue thinking about the topic. We thanked the members for sharing, and ended the session within 30 minutes.
