Barbara's Buttons Day Planner [Media Project]

Barbara's Buttons Day Planner WHAT IS IT? Barbara's Buttons Day Planner is a simple, personalized day planner made from buttons, magnets, a white board and marker. The whiteboard allows the schedule to be changed for each day, and also makes it easy to modify plans throughout the day if needed. Once a task has been completed, a button is placed by it to represent a colorful checkmark. Buttons of different colors and sizes are available to personalize the day even more! WHO COULD USE IT? While it could benefit many people, it is very beneficial for individuals with memory loss. This can come from many causes, such as Dementia and Multiple Sclerosis. Memory loss makes individuals become dependent on the people around them, but this day planner is a great way to give back some of that independence. Once the schedule is made, the button makes marking off a completed task simple and colorful. The openness of the whiteboard allows for anything from a detailed sche...