Accessibility in the city

We had Fletcher Cleaves come speak to our class a few weeks ago, and my eyes were opened to so much after hearing him speak. As I'm driving down the road, I often wonder just how many people are using assistive technology to drive down the road as well. I'm also a lot more observant of buttons for automatic doors. It's incredibly disappointing at the lack of buttons at most buildings, and the overall accessibility of the city. My apartment complex is far from accessible, only having one handicapped spot in front of each building. There are only stairs to the 2nd and 3rd floors, but even if someone lived on the first floor, there is a giant curb that doesn't have a ramp on one side of the building. The side that does have the ramp rarely has any parking spaces. Someone would have to park in the back like I do, then drive all the way around the building just to get to the ramp to go inside the apartment. I have also noticed around our school, the sidewalks are pretty much falling apart. A few days ago I got behind someone driving his wheelchair in the street because the sidewalk was so cracked that he wasn't able to use it.
I think accessibility is a big issue all over the United States. I am hopeful that changes will soon be made to enable individuals that use wheelchairs and other adaptive equipment to navigate with much more ease.


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