Neuro Note 3: Tourette Does the Talking

I don't know a lot about Tourette's Syndrome, but I have always been intrigued so I chose to watch the TEDx Talk Tourette Does the Talking by Thomas White. I would highly recommend for everyone to watch this video. Thomas is a college student living with Tourette's Syndrome. As he is introducing himself he says, "I stand before you today, hoping to lay bare the inter-workings of a mind that attempts to remain robust, despite an unrelenting neurological assault". Thomas does a wonderful job of showing his robust mind, as well as the neurological assault he is faced with, making a clear distinction between himself and his Tourette's. This is a very raw look at a day in the life of someone with this type of Tourette's Syndrome.

White, T. (2014, January 21). Tourette Does the Talking: Thomas White [video file]. Retrieved from:


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