Neuro Note #4

I think everyone should read the interview of Maryum Ali, Muhammad Ali's daughter, by People magazine. It is very powerful as she discusses her father's diagnosis with Parkinson's Disease. She has been invited as one of the speakers at the World Parkinson's Congress where she will tell about growing up with someone with Parkinson's Disease. Ali tells a story about her father's birthday party and how she and her siblings had everything there that they knew would make their dad happy. She talks about how she believes that, “Being engaged in what makes you happy is so important". This is important for everyone, but especially for individuals diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease, and it really backs up Occupational Therapy's purpose. Ali also talks about how important it is not only for the individual that has been diagnosed to have an understanding of the disease, but it's also very important for every family member to understand it as well. I think this is great advice because understanding a disease is very important in order for someone to have empathy as well as to properly care for the individual and have an insight of what the future might look like.

Herbst, D. (August 25, 2016). Muhammed Ali's Eldest Daughter Shares Memories of Her Dad and Hope for Those with Parkinson's: 'Attitude is Everything'. People: Celebrity. Retrieved from:


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